Landing Gear Mount/Engine Mount
I started this by making a board/jig from the fuselage firewall area. I clamped the board in place marking the outline of the fuselage and drilled the holes in each corner from the mounting locations. I measured out the thrust center line for the airplane and located it on the board/jig so that I can use it later to locate the engine mount and get the engine center line correct.
Once the holes were drilled and measurements were made I mounted the washer/tube (mates for the fuselage mounts made up of 1/2" black steel flat washers) to the board with 3/8" bolts. Then I fitted the two vertical tubes that make up the left and right sides of the mount. I temporarily mounted these to the fuselage to align the landing gear mount tubes. To get the correct alignment for the landing gear I located the area on the floor of the garage measured back to the centerline of axle. Then I centered a piece of 2x2 steel angle over these marks on both sides of the fuselage on the floor. Once this was done and the angle was temporarily secured to the floor, I placed the axle end of the gear legs and receiver tubes and located them in the angle. I placed shims on the backside outer most point on each axle to provide the correct amount of toe in and shims under the inner most portion of the axle to provide the correct camber. Once all of this was measured and secured the fuselage was double checked for level and the tubes were tack welded in this position. Then I fitted the left and right diagonal tubes into position and securely tacked them into place. Then I removed the what was now just a left and right side of the soon to be Gear/Engine mount from the fuselage and moved back to the jig board. Once these were bolted back to the board/jig I fitted the horizontal tubes that run between the two landing gear tubes and tacked them into position. Once I was satisfied that everything was straight, squared and securely tacked into position I started the process of welding everything up. I am missing a few photos of the entire process and the completed mount that is now in storage but provided the photos that I have to give the idea of the mount. Before anyone says hey you are missing the diagonal tube at the bottom between the gear, I know that it is missing in the photo but is there in all actuality, on the fuselage, in storage?
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