Monday, July 27, 2009

Long time no Post

Well I am sorry that it has been a long time since I last posted. Funny how life gets in the way of what we really want to do. I had to pour a sidewalk and patio in the back yard to keep the Mrs. happy. I have finished building all of the ribs, cut the spars to the correct length, height, and the ends to the correct dimensions. Jim Stanton from the tailwind group has a great builders manual with instructions to walk you through all of the steps. He offered much advise via e mail for some of the missing dimensions that are on the Aircraft Spruce W-10 plans. This past weekend I went to Baraboo Wisconsin for the Tailwind gathering and got some good ideas from several airplanes. Today I started building the brackets for the wing attach points for the root end of the spar. I have one cut out and waiting to be welded. I want to get all of them cut out to get them to match each other before I weld them up. I will get some pictures posted tomorrow of the progress.

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